About us

About DNS Security

DNS Security Sdn Bhd was incorporated under the Co. Act 1965 on April, 2005 for the provision as Private Agency in Malaysia subjected to section 3 of Private agency Act by Ministry of Home Security.

Founded by leaders, individuals, that recognizes the need in surfacing Malaysian corporate security to a higher, better, credible standard of service to the public, which has a vision to navigate the right direction, which understands the principles, that by virtue, creates value in life.

It is truly a long step, a step that DNS Security beliefs, growth progress and success is a creation who believe.

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Years of Experience

Our Vision

To create credible strategic security alliances, by professionally contribute in servicing the security needs of our client that would provide best invest ment in the alliances and create value to the indus try and the best returns to shareholders and its em ployers.

Our Mission

Security consciousness is the core of the frst line for protection of human life property.
As society evolves, this has become a necessity.
Security solutions cover both the public and private sectors that are diferentiated by advanced technological equipment, software and in most cases complex functionality that would discourage user’s perpetual or correct usage
Security consciousness has become an integral part of the business and private environments where the security aspects are necessary to


Company Name


Date Incorporated

April 9, 2005

KDN License No.


KDN Registration


Co. Registration


Ministry of Finance

357- 02269907

Core Business

Integrated security services

SST Registration


Reg No.

ISO 9001:2015

Authorised Capital

RM 1,000,000.00

Paid Up Capital

RM 1,000,000.00

Insurance Coverage

Public Liability
Professional Indemnity/Error & Omission
Fidelity Guarantee
Group Personal Accident

Ministry of Finance :

  • 020804 – Perabot, Peralatan Pejabat, Hiasan Dalaman Dan Domestik/ Pakaian Dan Kelengkapan/ Pakaian Keselamatan, Kelengkapan Dan Aksesori
  • 120101 – Pertahanan Dan Keselamatan/ Senjata, Peluru, Bahan Letupan Dan Aksesori/ Senjata Api
  • 120102 – Pertahanan Dan Keselamatan/ Senjata, Peluru, Bahan Letupan Dan Aksesori/ Peluru Dan Bom
  • 120104 – Pertahanan Dan Keselamatan/ Senjata, Peluru, Bahan Letupan Dan Aksesori/ Bahan Letupan/Complete Rounds
  • 120201 – Pertahanan Dan Keselamatan/ Kelengkapan Sasaran/Kelengkapan Sasaran
  • 120401 – Pertahanan Dan Keselamatan/ Peralatan Keselamatan Dan Penguatkuasaan/ Alat Keselamatan,Perlindungan Dan Kawalan Perlindungan
  • 210201 – Ict (Information Communication Technology)/ Peralatan Dan Kelengkapan Telekomunikasi/ Alat Perhubungan
  • 220402 – Perkhidmatan/ Penyelenggaraan/Pembaikan Alat Keselamatan/ Peralatan Kawalan Keselamatan
  • 220801 – Perkhidmatan/ Pertahanan Dan Keselamatan/ Kawalan Keselamatan
  • 221110 – Perkhidmatan/ Guna Tenaga/ Khidmat Latihan

Our Team